Genesis Of NW San Antonio

Auto Spring Shop near Boerne, TX

Auto Spring Shop near Boerne, TX

When you start to feel every little bump in the road it probably means that the coil springs on your suspension system are wearing down. Why has this happened? It could be any number of reasons, but primarily it’s just like anything else – as they age they get weaker and their ability to function efficiently decreases. But our expert technicians at the Genesis of NW San Antonio near Boerne, Texas, can make your car drive smooth again.

Our service team has years of experience recognizing and diagnosing problems with suspension systems just like yours. Not only that, but they have the expertise and state-of-the-art equipment required to get your repairs done right.

Why Do Springs Wear Out?

Your vehicle’s springs are designed to last a long time – years, in fact. But sooner or later, they’re simply going to begin to wear down. Some of this depends on where you’re driving and how much. Every time you hit a bump or pothole, they get a little bit weaker. But we can install new ones for you.

Auto Spring Warning Signs

How do you know when your springs are beginning to wear down? There are many signs you may begin to notice. The most common may be that your car’s handling and the quality of your ride will decrease. Also, you may notice rattling noises or it may seem like your car is leaning to one corner. If any of these starts to happen, bring your vehicle in to us as soon as possible.

Schedule Service with Genesis of NW San Antonio

If you think your springs need to be checked, schedule service with us at the Genesis of NW San Antonio service center near Boerne, Florida. We can also provide many other services such as oil changes, brake inspections, tire rotations, and much more. Let us take care of your vehicle. We look forward to seeing you.