Genesis Of NW San Antonio

What Does That Warning Light Mean Near Leon Valley

What Does That Warning Light Mean?

Dashboard Warning Lights

A warning light on your dashboard doesn’t have to be a cause for stress. Genesis of NW San Antonio has compiled a list of common warning lights so you can be prepared if you notice one of them on your dashboard. Knowing what to do if you see a warning light can help you save money in the long run. If a warning light appears on your dashboard, bring your vehicle into our service center near Leon Valley, TX. Our team at Genesis of NW San Antonio will provide you with affordable and efficient service.

Oil Pressure Warning Light

If your oil pressure is low or your vehicle experiences an issue with its oil pressure system, then a light that looks like an old-fashioned oil lamp will appear on your dashboard. Oil plays an essential role in your vehicle's lifespan, and if not corrected, then it can lead to serious issues and expensive repairs.

Tire Pressure Warning Light

When your tire pressure is too low or high, you’ll probably see a light that looks like a semi-circle with tire tread on the bottom and an exclamation point in the middle on your dashboard. If your tires are over or under-inflated, then you should bring your vehicle into our service center to be corrected because driving on tires with these issues can be dangerous and cause severe damage.

Engine Temperature Warning Light

If your engine begins to overheat, then a light that looks like a thermometer will appear on your dashboard. You should immediately stop your vehicle and allow it to cool down, then call our service center, and we’ll help you determine the next course of action. If you continue to drive, will engine overheats can lead to permanent damage to the engine.

Check Engine Light

Your vehicle’s engine has several moving components that it functions, and when one of them experiences a malfunction, you’ll likely see a light that looks like an engine on your dashboard. Our team can perform a thorough inspection and help you determine what’s causing the issue.

Battery Warning Light

When your vehicle’s charging system is malfunctioning, a light that is shaped like a rectangle and has a plus and minus sign in the middle will appear on your dashboard. Bring your vehicle to our service center, and we’ll get you back on the road in no time.

Genesis of NW San Antonio Service Center

If a light appears on your dashboard, then schedule a service appointment with our team at Genesis of NW San Antonio. Our service team will provide you with quality care at our service center that is conveniently located down the road from Leon Valley, Texas.